
D-Rep: Fight For Life TRAILER

D-Rep: Fight for Life - FULL LENGTH DOCUMENTARY (42min)

D-Rep: Fight For Life

Directed/Edited by Mike Mazzanti, Produced by Brad Stabio & Julia Berthet, Cinematography by Brad Stabio

The story of a horrific Flight for Life helicopter crash and Dave Repsher’s incomprehensible journey from rugged mountain hero, to horrific burn victim, to miraculous survivor, to hero once again.

Heartland Emmy 2021 - Best Documentary - Historical

Denver Film Festival 2020 - People Choice Award Best Short Subject

Breck Film Fest 2020 - Audience Award First Place

Tour de Force - Trailer

Full Length Documentary (1hr 10min)

Tour de Force

Produced, Directed & Edited by Brad Stabio, Cinematography by Brad Stabio, Brook Aitken & John Barnhardt, Addl. Camera & Asst. Edited by Sean Heraty

Tour de Force is the story of Denver's three most notable dance organizations and their ambitious process of putting together a show featuring all three companies. Featuring Colorado Ballet, Cleo Parker Robinson Dance, and Wonderbound, this behind the scenes story takes us into the world of ballet where three choreographers, Cleo Parker Robinson, Garrett Ammon, and Amy Seiwert, create new and compelling works of art that come to life on stage. Tour de Force is meant not only as a look into the world of dance, but as an example of what can be accomplished when people come together to bring art, collaboration and the spirit of inclusiveness to their community.

Utah Dance Film Festival - Second Place

The Teller House tells the story of this 150 year old building and how it’s past is also the story of the the start of Central City Opera, the settling of Colorado, the gold and silver boom, and the town of Central City. Central City Opera commitioned this film as part of their historic preservation initiative.

The Tank (12 min) - Colorado Children’s Chorale

Produced by Stabio Productions

Young Bucks (13 min)

Produced By Stabio Productions & Brook Aitken Production

Refuge Rang (16 min.)

Edited by Brad Stabio

Emerging Stronger (8 min) - National Jewish Health

Produced by Stabio Productions

The Trail (23 min) - Colorado Children’s Chorale

Produced by Stabio Productions

Joe Boardman: Building a Legacy While Battling Cancer (10 min)

Cinematography - Brad Stabio